For some of us, the term Return-to-Work (RTW) has been associated with workers’ compensation and rehabilitation services for aiding injured workers back to gainful employment. Yet unbelievably, due to our unprecedented times across the country, and the globe, our use of “return-to-work” now encapsulates our society’s need and ability to establish a productive workforce. Regardless of the employer, size, and type of industry, everyone is now tasked with developing a return-to-work strategy. Increasing hourly pay, offering flexible schedules, remote working, and providing sign on bonuses are just a few of the growing strategies being implemented.
Incentives for return-to-work appear to be at the forefront of employer strategies, however, employers may be amiss to ignore that the physicality of work itself has not changed. In fact, in many instances a lesser number in workforce unfortunately can equate to increased physical demands for many current employees. Compounding this situation is that we now may be dealing with a physically deconditioned pool of job applicants who no longer have the physical fortitude they had prior. Our comparison of a worker to that of an “industrial athlete” can be a good example to provide us with further insight. Simply consider a hiatus from an exercise routine, having an off-season, or starting a new sporting activity. Increased muscle soreness, cramping, fatigue, and risk of injury can all certainly be expected unless we take measures to improve our physical readiness and ability to recover.
The current state of hiring new and retaining existing workers is unfortunately our current predicament. But employers do have good news with On Site Therapy’s proven performance in aiding workers in jobs requiring prolonged standing and repetitive reach/handling demands. Founded by two professionals who began their careers’ in the fields of rehabilitation and return-to-work (RTW) strategies. It was the pursuit of improving ergonomic and injury prevention solutions that led the team of Occupational Therapists, Chuck Letchworth and Robert Lisson, to design the only marketed gradient compression socks and arm sleeves designed specifically for work activity.
Designed for meeting the needs in Occupational Health, Safety, Ergonomics, Risk Management, Human Resources, and Health & Wellness, OST Power Arm Sleeves and Performance Socks provide a proven performance reducing worker muscle soreness, fatigue, cramping, and pain.
Wearable Incentive Programs can offer a win-win situation resulting in improved worker comfort and retention. How it works – the employer subsidizes the costs of the OST Power Arm Sleeves and/or Performance Socks. The cost to the workers can be scaled based on the tenure/longevity of the employment and this provides low-cost high return strategy for incentivizing a healthy and productive workforce.
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