by Robert Lisson | Sep 25, 2021 | Performance Socks, Power Arm Sleeves
For some of us, the term Return-to-Work (RTW) has been associated with workers’ compensation and rehabilitation services for aiding injured workers back to gainful employment. Yet unbelievably, due to our unprecedented times across the country, and the globe, our use...
by Robert Lisson | Jun 1, 2020 | Performance Socks, Power Arm Sleeves, Special Reports
Given the recent media coverage on the Meat Processing Industry due to COVID-19 Pandemic it may be helpful to expand our understanding of the efforts of everyone from the Production Line Worker, Safety, Occupational Health Nurses, and the Companies supporting the...
by Robert Lisson | Mar 10, 2020 | Performance Socks, Power Arm Sleeves
The need for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce has quickly elevated as priority for many employers across all industry segments. In conjunction with instituting universal precautions the question of; “How to maintain a worker’s health & wellness?”...
by Robert Lisson | Oct 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
ERGONOMICS — fitting a job to a person — helps lessen muscle fatigue, increases productivity and reduces the number and severity of work-related MSDs. MUSCULAR FATIGUE – Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) REPETITIVE WORK “When motions are...
by Robert Lisson | Sep 5, 2019 | Power Arm Sleeves
As with athletics, work tasks requiring repeated hand/arm muscle contractions are at risk of fatigue and repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s). Likewise, many of our industrial approaches to date have emerged from the field of rehabilitating and returning athletes to...